On Friday, November 20th, Gma Sheryl & Gpa Mike, Gma Jo Jo & Granddaddy P, Uncle Brian & Koopie, and Daddy Travis & myself headed to Tri-State Women's Health to witness Carson in ACTION!!! Words cannot even begin to describe how memorable this day was for everyone. It was amazing!!! The ultrasound lasted around 45 minutes, so we have great footage of Carson moving all around in Mommy's belly. Right away, we were able to see that he loves to bring his right arm up by his face. He continued to do this throughout the entire ultrasound. :o)

Carson weighs 5 lbs 4 oz and is just PRECIOUS!! He has all 10 fingers and all 10 toes (his second toe is longer than his first toe, which is definitely a Burgheim trait). He has cute chubby cheeks and a pointed chin! Our little bundle of joy is FOR SURE a perfect combination of his mommy and daddy!! He even resembles his UNCLES, too.

He almost has his thumb.....:o)

Look at those puckered-up lips....

Approx. 7 more weeks to go...I can hardly stand it. I cannot wait to hold him, cuddle him, squeeze him, kiss him....Ok, "Mommy to Be" is going crazy, but I can't help it!! He already has my heart and I love him so much.
I already love my Grandbaby beyond words.. He's so cute. My favorite pic is the one with his hand up by his face. AND, of course the one where he's trying to suck his thumb!!!